Bulk Pricing Program - Wholesale Supplies Plus
Wholesale Supplies Plus
WSP Bulk Program Details

Prices & Discounts

WSP Bulk prices are manufacturer direct with a very small mark up for us to manage the order. This “no frills” pricing model means WSP Bulk prices are exempt from coupons, sales, free gifts and promotions.

Price Changes

Manufacturers have the right to change product costs without notice. As we receive a notice of product cost changes, WSP Bulk product prices will change accordingly.

Special Request Carrier Fee

Due to increases in freight costs that have been ever increasing since 2020, Wholesale Supplies Plus is implementing a Special Carrier Request Fee. If our Freight Specialist offers you, the customer, a carrier and you request a different carrier; the customer will be charged a fee. The fee will be calculated as the difference in freight and fuel charge costs over the original carrier offered.

For example:

If you are offered Estes and you request Fed Ex.

If the Estes Freight charge was $300 with a fuel surcharge of $75

Fed Ex is $500 with a fuel surcharge of $150. You will be charged and additional $275.

Special Carrier Shipments

WSP offers free shipping on orders that are $25 or more. This does not apply to large quantity, bulk or heavy orders that require special carrier shipping. Large/heavy shipments are subject to accessorial and fuel charges. These charges will be based on the destination & the requirements. The price breakdown is posted below. Please check these prices regularly as they are subject to change.

Current Accessorial/Additional Charges

Any large order that is 700 lbs or more will automatically be considered a bulk/freight order and accessorial charges will apply.

Accessorials/Additionals: Description Details: Charges:
Pallet Charge for wood pallet, equipment to wrap products & labor $20.00 Each
Delivery Appointment Charge for carrier to reach out for delivery notification $15.00
Specific Carrier Selection Charge for carrier of your choice versus the carrier lowest quote * between lowest quote & customer's carrier choice * Each
Lift Gate Charge for driver to use equipment to remove pallet from truck $80.00
Residential Location Charge for delivery to anywhere that is home/residence and/or not a commercial location $70.00
Limited Access Location Charge for boxtruck request when area is limited/too small for normal size semi $80.00
Inside Delivery Charge for assistance from deiver in getting shipment off the truck and into location $70.00
California Compliance Charge for ANY shipment going into California due to costs for regulatory compliance $20.00
Customs Clearance Charge for shipments that cross the border that must have paperwork filed with customs Fee will vary based on freight carrier quote
High Cost Areas Charge for deliveries into high traffic/congested areas $20.00
Reconsignment Charge for operations work done in setting up a new destination for a shipment $65.00
BOL Change (other than location) Charge for Bill Of Lading correction $20.00
Redilvery Charge for attempted delvery by carrier and refused or not accepted due to consignee fault $100.00
Storage Charge for shipment being held on the carrier’s dock awaiting delivery per cosignee's request $70.00 a day
Fuel Charge Charge for gasoline Fee will vary based on freight carrier quote

Product ETA Communications

One Business day after you order a WSP Bulk product the manufacturer ETA will be displayed on the order detail page within your account order history. These dates are updated as we receive them from the manufacturer and transit companies.


All orders must be paid in full before we can process the order. We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express and PayPal.



To keep prices as low as possible, we do not stock WSP Bulk inventory. All bulk sizes have an advertised lead-time. Lead-times vary by manufacturer and can change with little notice throughout the year (based manufacturing schedules). If our regular stock is in an “overstock” situation, we will pull from our stock inventory and ship the order.

Canceled WSP Bulk Orders

Since WSP Bulk sizes are special orders with the manufacturer, all canceled orders will have a 50% cancelation fee.


No refunds or returns on WSP Bulk sizes


For additional questions regarding the WSP Bulk pricing program please contact customer service Here.