HLB Calculator for Formulas | Wholesale Supplies Plus
Wholesale Supplies Plus

HLB Calculator
An HLB Calculator is one tool used in estimating if the emulsifier(s) used a formulation are adequate. Results show the balance of the formula. Steps 1-3 are compared to Step 4. Your total formula including fragrance, color and additives must equal 100%.

Step 1: Enter Your Water Based Ingredients
+ Add Ingredient  
Total %
Calculator Summary
Steps 1-3 Total: %
Steps 4 Total: %
Recipe Total: %
(must be 100%)
Step 2: Enter Your Oil Based Ingredients HLB wHLB
+ Add Ingredient  
Total %
Formulation Summary
Target Weighted HLB:
Actual Weighted HLB:
Step 3: Enter Your Other Ingredients
+ Add Ingredient  
Total %
Recipe Maker
Step 4: Enter Your Emulsifiers HLB wHLB
+ Add Ingredient  
Total %