NOTE: If you are making these products for sale, good manufacturing practices recommend you wear a hairnet, gloves and a mask. We also recommend a clean apron and workspace.
- Add baking soda, citric acid and kaolin clay to bowl. Using a wire whisk, stir dry ingredients breaking up any clumps.
- Sprinkle lavender buds in the cavity of each mold.
- Drizzle Chamomile & Lavender EO & FO Blend onto powders and mix.
- Drizzle lavender hydrosol and immediately stir. (Mixture should hold together when squeezed.)
- Place plastic molds onto jelly roll pans. Pack each cavity tightly with the bath fizzy mixture.
- Let molds sit for at least 24 hours to dry. Carefully pop out of mold.
- Package as desired and label accordingly.
To Use: Place shower steamer out of direct spray of the showerhead. Spray with water to release the scent.
Ingredient Label: Baking Soda, Citric Acid, Kaolin Clay, Lavender Hydrosol, Fragrance.