NOTE: If you are making these products for sale, good manufacturing practices recommend you wear a hairnet, gloves and a mask. We also recommend a clean apron, workspace and sanitized equipment.
- **To a microwave-safe container with a pour spout, add Grape Seed Oil, Beeswax, Shea Butter and Hemp Seed Oil. Heat in microwave until completely melted. If desired, a metal pan or double boiler can be used on stove top. Remove from heat source and stir.
- Let product cool down to 180°F, if necessary, then add Vitamin E, fragrance* and CBD*, if desired.
- Carefully pour mixture into containers. A small container with a pour spour works very well.
- Let product cool completely before placing tops on.
- Label product accordingly.
To Use: Rub into skin as desired.
*If adding CBD and/or fragrance, up to 5% total oils can be added. This would equal 0.23 oz. You can add all CBD, all fragrance or some of each.
**If NOT adding extra oils, increase Grape Seed Oil to 2.77 oz. and Beeswax to 1 oz. so you can fill 8 full lotion tubes.
Ingredient Label: Grape Seed Oil, Beeswax, Shea Butter, (additional oils up to 5%), Hemp Seed Oil, Vitamin E.