How To Attract The Best Millennial Employees - Wholesale Supplies Plus
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How To Attract The Best Millennial Employees

Planning to hire additional help to support your business at summer festivals, farmer’s markets or during the holiday season? Consider hiring millennials (the portion of the population that’s currently between the ages of 18 to 34). Not only do they account for one out of every three workers in the United States, according to Pew Research Center, they’ve represented the largest segment of the working population since 2015.

Here are a few ways to attract the cream of the millennial crop to your business and keep them inspired, productive and engaged employees.

Be willing to tap their knowledge. 
Millennials are known for being early adopters of technology, and are inherently tech-savvy. In fact, many of them don’t remember a world without the Internet, mobile devices, and social media. Millennials may have a valuable perspective about the role technology plays in your business operations, your internal and external communications, and marketing efforts that can improve your business model and its efficiency. Solicit their feedback, and take it to heart! In addition to potentially enhancing your own operations, your willingness to welcome employee insights is a recruiting tool you can leverage to attract millennials. As a study by PwC on millennial values in the workplace indicates, when deciding where to work and how long to stay loyal to an employer, millenials place high priority on whether a job provides them the ability to actively contribute to the organization in a meaningful way. 
Tout the fact that your business has a culture that allows employees to share ideas in your job descriptions. When you interview millennial candidates, emphasize that they will have the opportunity to learn new skills, develop existing ones and provide critical feedback that could positively impact your business.
Give them freedom. 
Millennials are accustomed to using social media and mobile devices to connect via social media posts, email, text message and chat. As a result, many millennials don’t subscribe to the idea that one has to be physically located in an office environmement to be productive or engaged, or that they must adhere to a traditional work schedule. Employers who embrace millennials desire for workplace flexibility stand the best chance of attracting top millennial job candidates. Consider what flexible arrangements you may be able to offer millennials, including the option to work remotely on some days, the freedom to set their own office hours if they do need to be on site or the freedom to hold messages via group video chats instead of face to face in a conference room. While you may not be able to offer an equivalent salary or brand bragging rights as a large corporation, giving employee’s freedom to work on their terms can be a far more valuable asset. PwC’s data indicates that 41% of millennials prefer to communicate using technology rather than phone calls or in person meetings; the majority prioritize workplace flexibility over compensation. 
Be an extension of their education. 
PwC’s data indicates that millennials are drawn to organizations that provide more than a few bullet points on their resume. They want (and expect) the opportunity to grow their own skills, and earn increased responsibility and organizational status over time. In a separate study of younger millennials by, 72% of high school students surveyed expressed interest in owning their own business, outranking college students. Plus, more than half of the high school students wanted to gain professional experience before beginning college. Let millennial candidates know that your business can offer a lasting relationship, even if you only need help on a part-time basis, or temporarily during peak seasons. Maintain communication with millennial employees who prove a good fit for your needs as they continue their education; let them know you will do your best to assign them with work that coincides with the knowledge they want to develop. You’ll benefit by reducing your training gaps, turnover and recruiting expenses, while developing positive relationships with your community, and a reputation as a business owner committed to developing future leaders.

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