NOTE: If you are making these products for sale, good manufacturing practices recommend you wear a hairnet, gloves and a mask. We also recommend a clean apron, workspace and sanitized equipment.
- To a microwave-safe container with a pour spout, add Castor Oil, Beeswax, Avocado Oil and Sunflower Oil. Heat in microwave until completely melted. If desired, a metal pan or double boiler can be used on stove top. Remove from heat source and stir.
- Add Mango Butter to oil mixture.
- Let product cool down to 180°F, then add fragrance, and EZ Color.
- Stir in tapioca starch.
- Carefully pour mixture into containers.
- If needed, reheat mixture and top off lip tubes.
- Let product cool completely before placing tops on.
- Label product accordingly.
To Use: Rub onto cheeks and lips for color
Ingredient Label: Castor Oil, Beeswax, Mango Butter, Avocado Oil,
Sunflower Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil, Red 40 Lake