Oatmeal Milk & Honey CP Soap Recipe - Wholesale Supplies Plus
Wholesale Supplies Plus
Oatmeal Milk & Honey CP Soap Recipe

Yield: 8 - 1" slices   |  Est. Time: 1 Hour  |  Level: Advanced – Danger Chemicals

About This Recipe:

Oatmeal, Milk & Honey fragrance is the perfect comfort scent for fall and winter.  This soap creates moisturizing bubbles while the oatmeal soothes and exfoliates the skin.   

Shopping List:
(1) Distilled Water

(1) 1 lb Palm Oil

(1) 2 oz Castor Oil

(1) Oats

Recipe Ingredients:

Measure ingredients with a scale or precise measuring tool.

• 10.64 oz. Distilled Water
• 3.96 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Flakes
• 7.84 oz. Coconut Oil - 76º Melt
• 5.60 oz. Palm Oil
• 3.36 oz. Olive Oil - Pomace
• 7.84 oz. Sunflower Oil - Refined
• 2.24 oz. Shea Butter - Natural
• 1.12 oz. Castor Oil
• 1.0 oz. Oatmeal, Milk & Honey ORIGINAL Fragrance Oil 105
• 4.0 oz. Oats
Equipment From Home:
• (1) Polypropylene Pitcher
• (1) Polypropylene Container
• (1) Scale - Digital Display
• (1) Safety Equipment (goggles,mask,gloves)
• (1) Food Processor
• (1) Measuring Cup - 1/2 cup
• (2) Spatulas
• (1) Microwave-Safe Container (64 oz.)
• (1) Heat-Safe Pot for Stove Top (optional)
• (1) Thermometer - Digital
• (1) Stick Blender
• (1) Plastic Container (over 24 oz.)
• (1) Metal Spoon for texturing
• (1) Towels for insulating
Recipe Disclaimer:

We are not responsible for the products you create from our supplies.

You alone are responsible for product and recipe testing to ensure compatibility and safety.

NOTE: This project and these instructions have been written for someone who has experience making soap and knows the potential dangers due to working with sodium hydroxide. It will not outline safety methods of working with dangerous chemicals, it is simply a soap recipe for advanced soapmakers
  1. In separate containers, measure by weight your water and your lye. Gradually stir in small amounts of the lye in the water until the lye is dissolved completely. Set aside in a safe place and allow to cool.
  2. Place 4 oz. or ½ cup of oats in a food processor. Grind oats until slightly coarse. Do not overgrind as the oats will become a powder.   
  3. In a large microwaveable measuring cup or heat-safe pot, add oils and butters. Heat oils in microwave or over low heat on stove until melted. Set aside to cool.
  4. Check temperatures of the lye water and then of the oil/butter mixture. When both are about the same temperature-approximately 120°F, you are ready to mix them together.
  5. Place stick blender in the oils and tap it on the bottom of the bowl to "burp" it and release any air bubbles.
  6. Pour the lye water over the shaft of the stick blender. Carefully blend your oils and lye water until the mixture comes to a very light trace. Take the stick blender out of the mixture and place it on a safe protected place on the counter. REMEMBER: There is active lye on the blender.
  7. By hand, using a spatula, add the Oatmeal, Milk & Honey Fragrance Oil**.  Mix in well.
  8. Carefully pour half the mixture into a separate container. They do not need to be exactly equal. 
  9. To one container carefully blend in the 4 oz. of oats, saving a small amount to sprinkle on the top.  Pour this into the bottom of the loaf mold.
  10. Pour the remaining soap over the oatmeal soap.
  11. Using a spoon or spatula, finish off the top of the soap by making peaks or whatever you wish. Sprinkle the remaining oats on top, if desired.
  12. Carefully insulate the sides of the loaf with towels. After it has set up some, lightly cover the top as well.
  13. After 24 hours, you can unmold the loaf and cut the soap into 1 inch slices. If the soap seems too soft to remove from mold, let it set in the mold for an additional 24 hours or place in freezer for 30 minutes.  Allow the soap to cure for 4-6 weeks before using.
  14. Package as desired and label product accordingly.
To Use: Lather onto wet skin and rinse off with warm water. Avoid eye area. 

**This fragrance contains 1% vanilla.  If desired, mix 1 oz. fragrance oil with .5 oz. of Vanilla Color Stabilizer for CP soap to lessen browning of the soap.  

Ingredient Label: Water, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Oat Kernel Meal, Sodium Hydroxide, Olive Fruit Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Castor Seed Oil, Fragrance.

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