NOTE: If you are making these products for sale, good manufacturing practices recommend you wear a hairnet, gloves and a mask. We also recommend a clean apron and workspace.
- To metal pot, add beeswax and 8.60 oz. avocado oil. Melt on stovetop or hot plate and remove from heat.
- Add murumuru butter and aloe butter blend and allow the heat of the oil and wax to melt the butters. Pan can be left on stovetop on low heat to keep wax liquid.
- To small bowl, add 1 oz. avocado oil and aloe vera powder. Use mini mixer or frother and mix until well blended. Add to mixture along with essential oils and vitamin E. Stir well.
- When ingredients have melted, let cool to 145ºF. Pour mixture into each mold cavity. When lotion bars have hardened enough to move, place mold into freezer. Mixture can be kept on low over heat source to keep it fluid or let harden and remelt when the next set of lotion bars are poured.
- When bars have hardened, remove from mold and set aside. Reheat mixture, if necessary, and pour four more lotion bars. Let harden. Repeat until all lotion bars are finished.
- Place into metal tins and apply lids .
- Label accordingly.
To Use: Massage onto skin.
Ingredient Label: Beeswax, Avocado Oil, Murumuru Butter, Coconut Oil, Aloe Leaf Extract, Fragrance, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera Powder.